Editorial Guidelines for The Atlanta Peach

Effective Date: September 17, 2024

At The Atlanta Peach, we are committed to delivering high-quality, insightful, and engaging content that reflects the dynamic city of Atlanta. Our editorial guidelines are designed to ensure the highest standards of journalism, integrity, and inclusivity.

1. Accuracy and Fact-Checking

  • Thorough Research: Every article is thoroughly researched and fact-checked to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and reliable. We rely on credible and diverse sources for all of our reporting.
  • Corrections: If errors are found in our content, we issue prompt corrections and updates. Corrections will be clearly communicated to our readers to maintain transparency and trust.

2. Fairness and Balance

  • Impartial Reporting: We are committed to delivering balanced reporting that represents multiple viewpoints. We avoid personal biases, political favoritism, and commercial influence in our coverage.
  • Multiple Perspectives: Our content reflects a variety of perspectives, ensuring that all sides of a story are explored. We strive to provide comprehensive and thoughtful coverage of issues that matter to our readers.

3. Ethical Journalism

  • Integrity and Honesty: The Atlanta Peach adheres to the highest ethical standards in journalism. We avoid sensationalism and report the truth with integrity, even when it is challenging or unpopular.
  • Respect for Privacy: We respect the privacy of individuals and sources in our reporting. We will only disclose private information if it is of public interest and with the appropriate consent.
  • No Plagiarism: All content on The Atlanta Peach is original. If we use external sources, they are properly attributed to ensure that creators receive the recognition they deserve.

4. Sourcing and Attribution

  • Reliable Sources: We prioritize the use of verified and authoritative sources to ensure the credibility of our reporting. All third-party content is fact-checked and attributed accurately.
  • Proper Attribution: We give due credit to other authors, creators, and organizations for any content, images, or quotes used in our articles. Intellectual property rights are always respected.

5. Inclusivity and Representation

  • Diverse Voices: The Atlanta Peach is committed to amplifying diverse voices and perspectives. We strive to cover stories that reflect the full spectrum of Atlanta’s communities and cultures.
  • Respectful Language: We ensure that all our content uses inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful language. We are mindful of the impact of our words and aim to foster an environment of respect and inclusion.

6. Editorial Independence

  • Freedom from External Influence: Editorial decisions at The Atlanta Peach are made independently of advertisers, sponsors, or political groups. Our content is driven by the principles of public interest and journalistic integrity.
  • Separation of News and Opinion: We distinguish clearly between news reporting and opinion pieces, ensuring that readers can identify which content is based on facts and which reflects personal perspectives.

7. Reader Engagement and Feedback

  • Encouraging Dialogue: We welcome reader feedback and encourage engagement through comments and suggestions. Constructive discussions and diverse opinions enrich our content and community.
  • Corrections and Feedback: If readers identify mistakes or issues in our articles, we are committed to addressing them promptly. We encourage readers to report errors, and we will review and correct them as needed.